Our first record Cantorias is out! Buy here or listen here. We won the Edison Nationaal Vocaal Jazz ‘'24!
More info on www.cantoriasmusic.com
Made by Andreas Brooks
On 10-10-’20 I released my debut album together with Gijs Idema (guitar) and Mo van der Does (clarinet)!
Recorded by Just Listen Records.
’’Spacious, dreamy music rooted in Jazz with influences from modern and classical music’’
‘‘Sincere and independent music without unnecessary tricks’’ - Jazzism
Get your online album here ||| Message me for a CD
Picture and Artwork made by Veere van Gent
Our new EP KOBRA is out! Buy it here or listen here! More info on: www.kobraensemble.nl
Made by Marieke de Wit
“Beautiful, melancolic music.
Nina’s voice is layered and warm, and at the same time you’ll feel a moving lightness and clarity. Recalling something ancient and deep, while maintaining a contemporary feel”
mijke loeven | director bimhuis

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